Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Captivate your child's imagination.....

Remember when you were little and there seemed like it was so much to do and so little time to do it? I sure do! Coloring, puzzles, dress up, playing in centers in kindergarten...come on...what was your favorite center? My favorite was the dress up center, reading center, and the home center...remember playing mommy and daddy. Those were some fun times. Now that I have a child of my own I want to recreate some of those memories with him and make memories with him also. I want him to have the best and to learn as much as he can from the things around him. My objective with this blog is to showcase some toys , games, and books for children that I have either found by online searching or by word of mouth. This is important to any parent that has children. African American children especially have been thrown by the wayside because of "learning disabilities." We want to raise our children up to be leaders and not followers and we want our children to learn the best way that they know how when they are school-aged and even outside of school. I am a firm believer of any type of teaching, whether it be classroom or home schooled as long as that child is progressing and showing signs of being a star student and that they understand what they can and cannot do in a classroom type setting. This all starts at home and with you. I hope to reach all parents. This site can be shared with your child as well. We will have trivia, games and recommendations for captivating your child's imagination....one link at a time! Enjoy....

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